About Us


Welcome to Mount Adams Baptist Church

We are followers of Jesus Christ who seek to love, obey and to enjoy Him. In all we do, we want to honor Jesus and demonstrate His goodness to the world around us. We hope that you also desire to follow Jesus in this way. At Mt. Adams Baptist Church you will find school teachers, state highway workers, dentists, dairy farmers, forest service workers, office personnel, construction workers and whitewater river guides. There are married couples, single parents, lots of kids, empty nesters and retirees. Some think quilting is a grand way to have fun, while others would rather scale a mountain. We come in all shapes and sizes! With this kind of variety, you’re bound to make a new friend or two. What brings us together as a Christian family is our common love for Jesus Christ and the joy of meeting together for mutual encouragement through worship and teaching of the Bible.
We are not perfect, but we have been saved by the One who is perfect. He did it by grace alone, through faith alone, on the basis of Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, revealed infallibly by the Scripture alone.
May God bless you,
Pastor Adam Peck and the entire MABC family

We Believe

~ In one true God revealed in the Bible as Supreme Ruler and Creator of all, eternally living as three persons in one – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
~ In the Bible, revealed in two major sections called the Old and New Testaments, inspired by God, recorded without error in the original manuscripts and bearing His authority and reliability as the supreme guide for our beliefs and practices.
~ In the reverencing God the Father as an awesome and holy, spirit being infinite in power and perfection, just in the punishment of rebellious spirits and people, merciful through the provision of a deliverer, and gracious in hearing the prayers of His children. The Father, by nature of His infinite perfection, is the standard for what is right and true.
~ In placing our full confidence in the person and work of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who entered the world miraculously through the virgin Mary in order to live a sinless life in obedience to the Father and to provide a substitutionary death for mankind who were helplessly under the judgment of sin. Through his death, Jesus satisfied the holy judgment of God upon man’s sin. Jesus bodily resurrected from the dead, victorious over Satan and death, and now exalted in heaven beside God the Father, where He intercedes as a High Priest for believers while He waits to return to earth to establish His righteous kingdom.
~ In appreciating and heeding the Holy Spirit’s help, as He convicts men and leads them to God’s salvation, and then lives within all believers to make new and holy creations of them, to gift, guide and empower them, and to seal them as a guarantee of their inheritance as children of God.

~ In the reality of God’s judgment upon all people, sinners by nature and choice. We believe also in the reality of God’s gracious forgiveness for all who place their confidence in His Son’s atoning death as God’s only provision and salvation.